Return On Investment

Marketing Effectiveness – Our 2024 predictions

By |2024-01-31T13:19:28+00:00January 15th, 2024|Attribution, Econometrics, Measurement, Media, MetaMetrics, Modelling, Optimisation, Return On Investment|

Well, another year hoves into view. 2024. How did that happen? This year, we thought we would indulge in what we abhor others doing - namely some prognostication for what the [...]

Econometrics – The Essentials: Part 2

By |2023-11-20T10:29:07+00:00November 24th, 2023|Attribution, Econometrics, Measurement, Media, Modelling, Optimisation, Return On Investment|

Here we are with the second instalment of our Essential Econometrics series. If you haven’t already read Part 1, then I suggest you start with that. Otherwise, read on for Part [...]

Econometrics – The Essentials: Part 1

By |2023-11-01T15:16:21+00:00November 1st, 2023|Attribution, Econometrics, Measurement, Media, Modelling, Optimisation, Return On Investment|

According to, Econometrics is, “the use of statistical and mathematical models to develop theories or test existing hypotheses in economics and to forecast future trends from historical data. It subjects real-world data to statistical [...]

Econometrics in a Cookieless World

By |2023-03-20T11:20:29+00:00March 20th, 2023|Attribution, ebook, Econometrics, Measurement, Media, MetaMetrics, Modelling, Return On Investment|

"What impact will the vanishing cookie have on econometrics?" In some ways, this is an article that doesn't need writing, for the short answer to the question, "What impact will the [...]

Analyse the impact of your marketing – demystifying econometrics

By |2023-02-01T10:14:55+00:00January 24th, 2023|Econometrics, MetaMetrics, Modelling, Return On Investment|

2023. A new year (still, just about). And like all new years it offers us the opportunity to take stock and make plans. And if that stock-taking and plan-making leads you [...]

Can I use an Econometric Model to tell the future?

By |2022-11-09T16:05:09+00:00November 7th, 2022|Attribution, ebook, Econometrics, Measurement, Media, Modelling, Optimisation, Return On Investment|

The short version Yes. But with qualifications. Which may be very important. The long version Here goes… An econometric model, for the benefit of any laymen who may have wandered in [...]

Budget setting – not just a repeating process

By |2022-10-12T16:06:31+01:00October 12th, 2022|Budget, ebook, Econometrics, Measurement, Modelling, Return On Investment|

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” Heraclitus The season of annual budget planning is once again upon us. [...]

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